Thursday 15 September 2011


We arrived in LA Anna was still with us, we got dropped in downtown not a very nice part of LA then  got a cab to our hotel in Hollywood. We found a supermarket right across the street so go some dinner there.

The next day we did the Hollywood strip  and looked at all the stars and the Chinese Theater and the Kodak Theatre then had lunch at hooters and wandered by to the motel to lay by the pool in the sun for the afternoon.

The next day we got a bus to Santa Monica we wandered round the pier then had lunch at Bubba Gump and then lay on the beach where we met up with Katie, then bussed back then Anna had to leave to get her plane back to nz. Rachs friend Kate from camp arrived that night to stay with us for a few days.

Next day we went to Disneyland we got the bus there so we had to get up super early to get there on time we got the metro first then the bus it took about an hour an half, but we got to Disneyland in plenty of time and got our tickets we were right at the front of the line for when the actual gates opened at ten am. We met up with Simons friend Rory from camp he hung out with us during the day .We didn’t have to wait in any ques all day the longest was probably 5mins which was excellent. The bus journey home on the other hand not so fun, we caught an early bus than we had planned but this is great the bus was waiting as we walked out the gate well so we thought it was great we were heading down the freeway then all of a sudden the bus just stops then he couldn’t get it going then we finally got going, but we continued to cut out every time we stopped at the lights, he finally flagged down another bus after a long long wait and we transferred buses. We then got the metro back to Hollywood and got home about 10.45pm when we had left at like 6.15am yikes long day.

Next day we went to universal getting there was so simple compared to Disney, we just caught a metro one stop then we got a free shuttle from the metro up the hill to universal studios, again right as it opened at 10am no ques yet again we did the studio tour first which was really cool there was a 360 degree 3d king Kong movie which was awesome and we got to see the set of wisteria land aka desperate housewives. Jurassic park ride was next and we had heard you got wet but we got soaked literally felt like they got a bucket of water and threw it at our faces but it was sooo fun and it kept us cool for a while in the hot sun!!! we did the mummy ride,  Again no ques for the rides apart from the Simpsons ride which took about 30mins but nothing too big. We then had lunch and did the animals on film show, then water world show which was really really good, then the special effects show and then we decided to finish on the haunted house not the best idea was freaky as, but it was fun. Then we headed home via Hollywood blvd were we walked past jimmy kimmel live and people were lining up we knew that you could get free tickets to and we were planning to the next day but the girl stopped us and asked if we wanted to go and then she told us who was going to be on the show and Rachel and I freaked out KHLOE KARDASHIAN so there was no way we could say no, Simon had to run back to the hotel to met mike so he couldn’t go. It was so cool we got out about 8ish and headed back to the hotel, to watch the rugby world cup opening ceremony and the first game we all watched the first twenty mins or so then fall asleep as it was about 1.30 in the morning.

The next day we were all very slow and tired but we decided to do a star tour, which was awesome they took us up the Hollywood hills to look out over at the Hollywood sign, then we went down  Sunset blvd to the sunset strip were there were lots of famous clubs and things, then into Beverly Hills and Bel Air and then down rodeo drive and back to Hollywood along Melrose ave (place). We then grabbed some dinner and Kate left to go back to nz. Rach and Si went to a gig that Davis was working at I was going to go with but I feel asleep.

The next day we got up had lunch then we walked from our hotel all the way to rodeo drive did a spot of shopping (not) and had photos in front of the Beverly hills sign and then got a taxi back to the sunset strip were we had a few drinks, then back to the hotel Rachel and I feel asleep but the boys went out on the town as it was their last night together.

We slept in very very late I think all the travelling finally caught up with us as we were exhausted!!! Went down to Hollywood stars for a bit did a few jobs then back to lay by the pool, got some dinner then mike got picked up, last night with Rach and Si and we watched forest Gump and chilled out.

The next morning Rach and Si left about 7.30am to get their shuttle to the airport to fly to Canada! I mosied around the hotel for a bit then got to the train station to get a train to San Diego to met with Katie from camp!!!!

Las Vegas............

We picked up our car from San Fran airport and headed off on our road trip, first stop was Santa Cruz, brief stop and lunch then back down the 101 to Santa Barbara, the town of Santa Barbara is very cute, we parked up and walked down the pier, then we headed about 10mins down the road to Carpintera where we stayed the night, in the morning we got up and went for a run to the beach to check it out, then back to the motel to get on with the road trip.

We drove from carpintera down the 101 through Los Angeles into Las Vegas where it was insane hot. Got to Vegas about 3/4pmish checked into hotel. We went for a swim in our pool looking up at the Eiffel tower, best hotel of the trip for sure! Phil and Tanya then dropped Anna off at 7pm as she was joining us on this part of our trip. We then went to the naked and famous (NZ band) at the cosmopolitan then met up with Lucy, Char, Jess, Abbie and Katie (camp friends), went to Bellagio water show and to another bar then headed home.

 Next day we wondered the strip, Planet Hollywood, New York New York, MGM went into all the casinos checked them all out, was insanely hot though. We went to Caesars palace for a swim. We went out that night to Treasure island show and checked out the venetian met up with the girls from camp again then met with Rach and Si friends and went to the rock bar then home.

 Next day we pool hopped, started at the Paris, then to planet Hollywood, then the flamingo. Back to the hotel to get ready to go to the lion king, we walked all the way to the Mandalay bay took like an hour and it was so hot, but the show was amazing amazing, we were able to check out the Luxor while we were down there as well.

 Next morning we got up super super early to check out of the Paris and get our bus tour to the grand canyon, we stopped off at Hoover dam first which is huge!!! Then out to the Grand Canyon, the photos don’t show how insanely giant and amazing it really is. We walked around the south rim for an hour or two then back on the bus for a long drive back to Vegas, we then checked into our next hotel summer bay resort, which was like a time share kind of thing, we had a full kitchen and laundry room within our room which was great.

Saturday we got the bus to the outlet mall and then back to the pool at the hotel, we got some food from target and had a little Vegas family dinner in our room. Left the next morning at about 11am to get the bus to la before we left, I hadn’t gambled the hole time we were in Vegas and we had some time to kill before the bus so I went into Bally’s and found a 25c machine so I put my $1 in and tried my luck first two nothing on the third try Rach got really excited and I thought yay I must have won, then we see it had gone up to $40, I immediately got my cash, then went and bragged to Anna and Si haha, then it was on the bus to Los Angeles!

Sunday 4 September 2011

If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear a flower in your hair!

What a long day of travel to San Fran, a very frantic get ready to get a taxi to the airport in New York luckily we had packed the night before! But we made it there on time, we were all exhausted and I forgot about my water bottle going thru security so I had to line up again and the line was massive I don’t know why the stupid security guard didn’t just let me throw the water out then go thru the scanners again grrr very frustrating! We then got on our plane to Chicago, weirdest plane seating ever it was numbered and you go on board via your numbered order but then you can sit we’re ever you want luckily we got three seats together at the back of the plane. In Chicago we got a connecting flight to San Fran little did we know we were going via Denver, Colorado and had a stop there but we didn’t have to get off the plane which was good! We then arrived in San Fran and got a taxi to our hostel. The hostel was awesome very safe and secure and we got a free dinner that night which was awesome, we had a private room with a double bed then a single bunk above!

First day in San Fran, we walked from our hostel down to Pier 33 to pick up our tickets for Alcatraz, it was freezing compared to New York thank goodness we brought jumpers and jackets with us, when then wandered down to pier 39 and thru the shops and saw the seals! Then onto Alcatraz for our 9.30am tour, we did the audio tour when we got onto the island it was really really well done very interesting, if your gona go to Alcatraz you have to do the audio tour!

When we got back from the ferry we walked along the waterfront to a market at the Embarcardo ferry building and got some fruit and Rach and I found a mince pie which we were very excited about!! When then walked up Market Street and had a look in the Westfield mall which was huge and the onto Union Square which is just a small park seating area in the middle of town! We then walked down to the waterfront again to the Baseball stadium and we brought some tickets for that night went and had a few drinks then headed back to the stadium which was amazing were we were sitting it looked right out over the water! One problem was it got very very cold sitting up that high so we were all freezing during the entire game but it was fun to go and see a game in the USA! And the San Fran Giants are the reigning champs!!!

Our 2nd day in San Fran we picked up bikes from around the corner and cycled down to Fishermans wharf and up to the bridge which we couldn’t even see! It was freezing as well very foggy but we toughed it out and biked all the way to Sausalito which was so pretty blue sky and sunshine! We had fish and chips and the yummiest ice cream down by the water, we then biked all the way back across the beach to our hostel. We had another free dinner and then we had an arranged pub crawl with the hostel which was fun just walked to a few bars around the area met some nice people.

The 3rd day in the foggy city, we had our bikes for 24hrs so we made use of them again and biked thru Chinatown up all the way up market st to the golden gate park we were nearly there then Rachs bike got a flat tyre so we had to push our bikes to find a shop to fix it. We headed into the park we wanted to go into the Japanese Tea gardens but they cost $7 to get in yikes so we just popped our head in the door! We then biked back via the painted ladies (postcard row) then back to the bike shop we thought we would be smart and get a more direct route back but we ended up having to walk up a really steep hill then down a really steep hill to get back but we made it! After we dropped our bikes back we walked to Lombard street which was really really cool. We then went back to the hostel and got ready and headed to Fishermans wharf for a real San Fran seafood dinner!

4th day we walked up to the coit tower then down to Fishermans wharf along the shops got my san fran shot glass then walked down to Ghirardelli square and got hot fudge sundaes from Ghirardelli which were delicious. We then we lined up for the cable car and got them from Powell st into town by union square, we then walked into Chinatown thru the Chinatown gates and walked around then we went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner which was really good then back to the hostel to pack our bags and watch a movie.

5th day we got up early and checked out of the hostel and walked down to market st to get the train to the airport we then picked up our car and headed off for our road trip.

Later San Fran hello Las Vegas!!!!!!

Sunday 28 August 2011

Last few days in NYC

When we got back from DC I met up with friends from camp and headed out to Brooklyn where they were staying we all had a few drinks together then to bed. The next day we slept in and chilled out then got a subway out to the last stop at Coney Island, it’s a beach with a board walk and there are a hole load of shops and rides its like a carnival town! Kind of creepy all the rides looked super dodgy didn’t go on any of them, but they had like lots of food stalls and people selling things all down the boardwalk and there was a hand ball competition going on which looked very intense! We didn’t swim in the sea it was really hot but the water didn’t look that inviting!

The next day Anna and I got the subway into Time Square and just wondered around the shops in time square. And checked into the lovely hotel carter that night, we only had one power plug that we could use with our adaptor and our shower didn’t drain so when we showered we also got a bath at the same time which was super super gross!!!! That night we went out and met some of Simon’s friends from camp at a bar in SOHO.

The next day was Davis last day in New York he had to leave for the airport in the morning so we said goodbye to him then we went and brought our I heart NY t-shirts and Rach and I decided to be ultimate tourist and wear them along with matching shorts so our hole outfit was matching! We had been hassling everyone all week who had been wearing the t-shirts in NY but we thought it would be funny and it kind of was. We then walked down to Chelsea area and went on the high line which was an old railway line about 3 storeys above ground they used it for transporting produce and things in the city. But then they turned it in a boardwalk like walk and it looked out over the city it was very cool, very peaceful and relaxing. We then went to the Chelsea markets just like a row of little shops in building! When then got the subway up to upper Manhattan and went to Dylan’s Candy bar which was a huge huge shop full of candy yummy yummy! Then we went to Central Park and lay in the grass and had a nap for an hour or two! We then walked back to our hotel and had an early night sleep!

Last day in New York City we rolled around Time Square for a bit and went into M and M world and I got my New York shot glass. We then walked up 5th avenue did a spot of shopping!!! Then continued on to MOMA the museum of modern art which was really cool we spent a few hours in there and had a free audio tour of some of the artwork which was good! We then headed back to the hotel and got ready to go out, a lot of people from Rach and Si camps were in New York and going out so we met up with them and went to the Mean Fiddler which was a really really good night out!

The next morning we got up and got a taxi to the airport for a long day of flying to the West Coast thank goodness we got out of the East Coast before this nasty hurricane hit!


Friday 19 August 2011

The White House

The White House…

Thursday the 18th of August, we woke up early got organised and checked out of our hotel we walked to port authority and got on the Peter Pan bus at 8am to Washington D.C, very tightly crammed bus but there was free wifi so I wasn’t complaining, we got to D.C about 12.30pm we then went on a mission to get to our hotel, we walked down the street two blocks with all our luggage to the train station we stood staring at the map for about 10mins until we asked for help, only  cost $1.85 and one transfer and we made it to Foggy Bottom, two blocks away was our hotel the River Inn which was amazing! Kitchen, so much space, best shower ever! We were so hot and tired by the time we got to the hotel from lugging our luggage around we had to rest for a bit.

Then it was time to get walking yet again, we headed down to the waterfront and walked along the river to the Lincoln Memorial, what a huge building just for a statue but it was amazing, from the Lincoln memorial you look out over the reflecting pools, except they were all dug up which was kind of disappointing but it was still a good view. We then walked along to the World War 2 memorial and then up to the Washington Monument.

Every chance we got we took a rest it was so so hot and we had done a lot of walking, we couldn’t wait to get into an air conned museum, first stop was the Natural History Museum which was really cool, they even had the bones of a New Zealand Moa!

I really wanted to go into the Smithsonian Castle because I thought there was something exciting in there but turns out it’s a really cool building but it’s just and Info centre. We then went to the Air and Space museum which was fun. But we missed the National Museum of Art it was closed when we got there. After all the Museums we headed to the White House, at this point it started to rain and thunder and lightning, but we toughed it out and we waved to Barack and Michelle and had our photo, we then walked back down to our hotel, found a supermarket and got some food for dinner, the boys made us Nachos, we had a couple of drinks at the hotel then we wandered down the road to Georgetown which kind of reminds me of Parnell or Ponsonby.

Friday, Rach and I woke up and headed back down to Georgetown to go to Georgetown Cupcakes, they have a TV show on the food channel called DC cupcakes so we had to try them I got a lava fudge cupcake it was delish, we then headed back to the hotel to pack up and got back on the train to the bus station and here we are free wifi on the bus best invention ever! Back to NYC talk soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday 18 August 2011

Empire State...

Finally made it to NYC…..

After a long flight (sitting on a stand still plane) I made it to New York, I got a cab and met Rach at the hotel in the lobby was so funny to finally see her again. Then we headed down to time square which was just round the corner we walked past hotel carter and I said oh heaps of people from camp are staying there and next thing you know I see three people from camp Natalie, Katie and Tom it was so bizarre then from the hotel comes Carl, Abbie and Jess was really cool to see them again and how crazy to bump into them in the big apple. We then walked thru time square to T.G.I.F were we met Simon, Leonie and Mike so cool to spend time with New Zealanders they said the word jandels and I expected someone to say no flip flops haha. We then went to a little bar and then back to the hotel about 2am ish.

Day One in the Empire State

We woke up about ten am and headed across the road from breakfast, we then caught the subway from time square down to Spring Street in Soho and walked around Soho, we nearly missed the Kardashian's store it had the smallest signs but we went inside and had a look around, we had to get let in by security and then they had another security guard inside, for a tiny shop it seems a bit extreme but I guess they are who they are and everyone knows them. We then continued to walk through Little Italy basically just a few streets with a lots of Italian restaurants and shops saw a lot of handbags, then we walked through Chinatown not that exciting just a street full of Chinese shops, from there we walked to the Brooklyn bridge which was super busy but it was so cool, we walked all the way to Brooklyn and went to a little pizza place which had a huge queue out the front but Rach and Si had already been so they knew to ring and order, we then got our pizza and headed down the street to Brooklyn Bridge park, we sat in the park overlooking the bridge and the city eating our pizza.

After lunch we then walked back across the bridge and down to the 9/11 Memorial Site where they have a lots of info and artefacts and the plans for what is being built there, it was really sad. We then walked past were ground zero was, it just looks like a giant building site. From there we walked around the waterfront to the ferry terminals and caught the free Staten Island ferry, we went right past the statue of Liberty then on the way back the sun was setting over the harbour it looked gorgeous. By this time we were all exhausted from all the walking we had done so it was nice to sit down.

When we got back to Manhattan we caught the subway up to Grand Central station and it was most defenelty Grand, didn’t realise it was as amazing as it was, for a train station it was beautiful. From there we walked up to the Empire State Building, the queue was seriously long to go up to the observatory deck but we toughed it out and made it up and we were so glad we did it was dark by this time and the city lights were amazing a 360 degree view of the city a definite must if you come to New York. From there we caught a taxi back to the hotel and chilled for a bit, then we headed down to McDs to use the internet, were I bumped into Natalie, Katie and Tom again such a big city yet I bumped into them twice. Then it was time for bed after our long day of walking.

Day Two in the big Apple..

We woke up similar time, got organised and then started walking this time we headed from the hotel up toward central park, we detoured thru Rockefeller centre which was so cool, in winter they had a ice skating rink in the middle, it is a bar in the summer, apparently they have the xmas lights there as well, we walked around then headed down 5th Avenue, for those who love to shop this is the place to go all the big names, Prada, Gucci, Armani, Harry Winston, Trump Tower, we didn’t go into any shops but it was amazing just to walk down the street and see them all, we then found FAO Schwartz with the giant piano, so of course we had to have a play on it, they had some amazing toys in that shop, a Barbie foosball table if you’re willing for $25,000.

From there we headed across the road to the Plaza hotel Rach and I walked into the lobby it was very fancy if only we could afford to eat there. We then wondered over to Central Park, so amazing a huge big park in the middle of a giant city, there were lots of people there eating their lunch and sunbathing running thru the park, it was nice to walk thru the trees and the fresh air. We walked up about ¾ of the way then grabbed some lunch then headed back down the other side we stopped outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a photo then back into the park to find the boathouse and the mall (frequent movie appearances you’ll see from the photos) we then walked back to the hotel from central park, Rach, Si and Leonie headed down to lower Manhattan to have dinner with a friend and I caught up with my friends from camp for dinner, we went to planet Hollywood then to an Irish Pub.
Off to DC now will update asap, ps on the Bus to DC using the internet weird free WiFi loving it!!! xxx

Tuesday 16 August 2011


Longest road trip of my life, went to this weird little area called South of the Border which was south of the border for South Carolina was so colourful and had some weird crazy shops and big Mexican statues (photos will explain). Then we got to Rachel’s apartment in Gainesville about 9.30pm and chilled out watch a movie then went to bed, the next day we went tubing down a spring which was so cool, we hired but inner tubes and literally floated down he river it was so relaxing and the water was delish as it was so hot, it took about an hour and a half but was so nice to do the water was really clear and there were lots of turtles along the way so a wicked day. We then headed to Rachs Uni the University of Florida and walked around and checked out the Swamp which is the football stadium it was huge, and was seriously hot this day. We also checked out the basketball stadium and pool complex very very flash. We then drove to Tampa to Rach’s dads place and we got some food and then went for a swim in the pool, the next day we all slept in late which was awesome so nice not to be told when we needed to wake up. So Friday we just chilled out by the pool all day was so relaxing and so hot thank god they have air con in the houses! Friday night we had drinks and played drinking games finally got to play beer pong which I had never played before and my team won! 

Saturday we had another nice lie in then we just chilled out as the weather wasn’t the greatest in the evening we went to a mall right in Tampa which was massive and really really flash and we then had dinner at a restaurant called the Cheesecake factory had a nice bit of steak which was really good! Sunday we went out for breakfast more like brunch then we headed to the beach, the weather said the temperature felt like 103 deg f which is so hot, the sea water temp said it was 31 deg Celsius and it felt like it not like the sea at home where it is usually cold to get into this was like stepping into a bath it was really nice though. We then went home and got showered and went to another beach to watch the sunset and had dinner at a restaurant on the beach was really nice, then just chilled out back at the house. I packed my suitcase ready to go in the morning!

Monday woke up got organised then got dropped at the airport got my flight from Tampa to DC fine then got to DC and got my connecting flight got on board taxied out onto the tarmac and sat on the plane for two hours then we went back to the gate and they told us our flight was cancelled so we had to get off the plane wait in a huge queue and re book our flight so I did all this re booked for the 6pm flight got on the plane and here we are sitting on the tarmac and have been for the past hour I was meant to arrive in NYC at 4.20pm today yet I am still in DC on a plane arghhhhh seriously frustrated. Apparently there are storms in NYC and I heard someone saying the subway was flooded so that is obviously why we haven’t arrived yet but hopefully we will get there tonight fingers crossed.

To be continued …………………………………………………..

Last week at Camp Emerson

Saturday we had our normal scheduled day and for our evening activity we had gold rush like first session except this time I got to stay in the lower camp section so no bandits stole my money. I was in red team this time around. Sunday again we had normal classes and then for evening activity we had cultural night, so during rest period Anna and I made Anzac biscuits and afghans ( we had people asking us why we were making racist biscuits haha) then after dinner we went back to set up our table we also had a bag of pineapple lumps which everyone loved, I had my NZ tattoos from home that I put on everyone especially those who had already gotten Australian ones, and we had a video playing of the haka so the dining hall was basically set up with different stalls all our of all the different countries. After that we all had to sing our national anthems so Anna, Tom and I sung ours but the music was so slow we were out of time most of it but it was fun.

Monday thru Thursday we had normal classes again one of the evening activities we had gladiator which was were all the hillcrest and explorers ( the oldest campers) dressed up and we had to battle them in different games so all of the daises Bunk A and Bunk B (my bunk) had to verse a few gladiators, was really fun but we got rained out (a storm was meant to arrive). The other nights we had a lower camp girls pool party but I had to lifeguard the hole time but that was ok, and we had another talent show which was really good one of my girls told jokes which was super cute and there were some other awesome acts.

Friday it was pack up day, we had a sleep late and then we packed all the kids stuff we had to help most of them but at least they didn’t have as much stuff as the 4 week girls. Then we had a free swim and it was then time to get dressed for banquet this time we went as gangsters, we had Marv’s diner for dinner at banquet again, then after banquet we went back to bunk and got changed into our club Emerson outfits, having the little daises we only stayed at club Emerson till 11pm then we went back to bunk and the girls had a bit of a slumber party and put their mattresses on the floor.

The next morning the explorers woke us up at 6.05am instead of 6.30am and they were so loud this time much louder than the first time around. Then it was time to go to breakfast then the kids that were going on buses left so yet another big tearful goodbye on the basketball courts, all of my girls got picked up by car, so we had a kind of visiting day from 11am till 2ish. After all the kids were gone we started packing up our areas we got in canoes and dragged the big inflatable toys around the lake back to shore which was actually kind of fun!!! We then had our last staff dinner together which was delish nice bits of meat was very good! Then we had our last staff party at club chameleon which was a really good night out as always! Then we got back to camp about 11.30pm ish and we did karaoke in the dining hall.

Sunday was the final clean up so we all headed to our areas and we just had to get all the pool stuff put away which didn’t take too long then we helped out the other areas and had a really good lunch, after lunch we were able to pack up our things and finish cleaning our bunk, then it was another goodbye, saying bye to all the staff which was really sad as I don’t know if I will ever see some of these people ever again so there were a lot of tears.

Then it was time to road trip to Florida…………………………………………..

Saturday 30 July 2011

Last week with my Junipers!!!! Hello Daises

Saturday and Sunday we had our normal scheduled classes, Monday was our day off we got a van and went to Albany not Albany on the North Shore, Albany in the USA. We went to a mall and hung out as the weather wasn’t the greatest.

Tuesday was our last day of normal classes, which was good we played games and gave the kids free swim for most of the period.

Wednesday morning I woke up at 3am to someone dropping some letters in our doorway, we all knew it was colour wars the next day so  I knew it had something to do with that, when I woke up I gave all the girls their letters and we opened them they were from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry telling us we had been accepted to the school with the term beginning on the 20th of July. Everyone was very very excited even more so when the Harry Potter music played over the loud speaker around the camp, we then headed up to the dining hall where there was a giant sorting hat on the front porch, all of the campers then got called up in groups to determine what house they were in. Then lastly the councillors got called up and we headed into the dining hall which had been set up like Hogwarts, I got put into Gryffindor house we had our red capes waiting for us at our tables.

Our captains were then announced the Gryffindor captains were Anna and Jaime, we then headed back to bunk to get changed into our house colours mine were red and yellow, two of the colours I don’t really own, we then went to our house meeting points and worked on some chants and songs and things like that.

Then we split up into groups lower camp girls etc and went to the activities for the day, we did this all day, like volleyball, quiddich , dobby sock hunt, protect your pin, puzzle, chess and all sorts of things.

The next day was much the same, we had a tri wizard tournament in the morning with a relay race at the pool and lake which I had to lifeguard for then other activities in the afternoon, we then spent the rest of the time working on our fight song and finishing the banner, we also had to set the dining hall for dinner that night. After dinner we performed our fight songs in front of everyone and presented our banners and skits. Then the winners were announced, Hufflepuff won but everyone had an amazing two days, they were the freaking hottest two day we’ve had at camp it was rather disgusting actually, after all the kids went to bed, we went down to the pub for a much needed drink and to celebrate Tanya’s birthday!

Friday morning we had a sleep late and breakfast in bed was a pity it was soo sooo hot and we couldn’t actually sleep in. Then we got breakfast delivered to our bunks, then it was time to start packing all the girls up, luckily I didn’t have to help as the bunks were stinking hot, I had to lifeguard instead so the kids that were staying could go swimming. After all the kids were packed up  we had a bit of a rest hour or two then we got ready for banquet, all the girl counsellors dressed up as hippies and the boys were dressed in Togas. After the dinner we went back to bunk and got dressed for club Emerson underage club pretty much, was so much fun dancing and the rock bands played, my girls bed time was pushed out till 12am, they didn’t actually get to sleep till about 1.30am and I’m pretty such Ildi and I were asleep before them.

Saturday was sad, we got up and had breakfast then went back to bunk to get all the girls backpacks as their luggage had already been collected and everyone met on the basketball courts and It was a crying session for about an hour while the buses left then my last girl went home by car. It was so weird I didn’t have any kids to look after I didn’t really know what to do with myself. I then moved bunks back into C bunk which is where I started during orientation. Then headed to the pool to lifeguard for the rest of the afternoon, then we all went out for dinner with the kids.

Sunday I got on a bus at 6.15am to White plains to collect some kids, pretty cruisy morning when we got back to camp I had to find the rest of my new little daises. Super super cute they are 7, 8 and 9 years old. We did swim tests and tours for the rest of the afternoon, then it was time for dinner.

Monday we had normal classes but the afternoon got rained out, same scenario Tuesday normal schedule but there was a huge huge storm that hit at like 2.30pm we had to get all the kids up from the pool to the dining hall then it started hailing and the power was surging few freak outs but was fun. So we spent the rest of the afternoon in the dining hall. Wednesday was day off we just went to a mall and to the movies just chilled out then came back to camp.

Thursday we finally had a full day of classes, our evening activity was campfire and overnight four of my five girls wanted to sleep up in the hill so I had to sleep out as well, had more smores which were yum, sleeping in the tent not so much we didn’t have any mattresses or anything we were just sleeping on the tent floor, then we woke up at about 6.30am and got ready to head back down to the bunks, and thank goodness it was a sleep late I jumped back in bed and slept till 9am then we were brought breakfast in bed. Today we are going to see the smurf movie yay super excited.
Saturday normal classes again!

 Photos on facebook take to long to upload on here!

That’s all for now can’t believe camp is nearly over its so weird!!!!!

Saturday 16 July 2011

Week Three

Monday we had normal classes, so hot though!!! Monday night it was our night off we went to Lake George which is in New York State we got picked up from camp at 9.30pm by a yellow school bus, it was only meant to take two hours to get to the lake but we didn’t get there till 1amish or something like that. Our bus driver was awesome we had rinks on the bus it was basically like a party bus, until we realise we had taken the wrong turn and had been driving for about 30mins in the wrong direction. We finally got to our hotel and everyone crashed.

On Tuesday we got up swam in the hotel pool then walked down to the lake which was about a 5min walk. We all had breakfast then wandered round the shops. It was too hot so we found the “beach” edge of the lake where there is sand and lifeguards which I found crazy hahah. Never find this in NZ, the water was delish super refreshing, we hung out at the beach most of the day then a few of us got went on a ferry ride around the lake which was wicked, took an hour and a half but we got dinner on board, really nice relaxing sail around there are some amazing houses on the lake with big water garages with all sorts of toys!!! After the ferry we got back on the bus and headed back to camp!

 On Wednesday we had normal classes again, our evening activity was the talent show which was cool to watch some very talented young kids at camp!!!

Thursday was trip day again, middle camp went to Jiminy Peak which is a ski field but in summer they have rides and things, they had a vertical bungee and a ropes course an alpine slide (luge) and what they call a mountain coaster. It was kinda crazy to begin with as the kids all just ran off but they stuck together well we got to join in which was fun!!! Then we got the bus back to camp.

This morning was an exciting morning, we got to go to a private screening of Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2 in 3d, it was awesome, our 3d glasses were even in the shape of Harry Potters glasses which I obviously kept haha, the 3d was weird though it was different to NZ’s 3d stuff. We got back to camp and had lunch then we had a normal day after lunch our last period is finishing at 8.30pm tonight.

Normal classes again today, evening activity is middle camp play Wiked Maddie a girl from our bunk is the lead so very very excited to see her perform tonight.

Better get back to my last period, can’t believe there is only one more week with my girls left gona be sad when they leave!

Will attach photos later!!
Ciao xxx

Monday 11 July 2011

Can’t believe the kids have been here two weeks!!!!

The first week flew bye very quickly we got into our normal activity routine; everyone has to come to the pool so we see everyone. I have 1st period lifeguarding, 2nd teaching middle  camp girls which my bunk is in but I don’t teach any of them, 3rd period I have lifeguarding then we have lunch and afterward rest period . All the counsellors are split into two groups for days and nights off A or B then for rest we are split into four groups so on rest periods we can actually see some of the A side. After rest period we have 4th period and I teach lower camp boys, then 5th period is my period off and then I teach upper camp boys in period 6.

 The first week at camp we just had normal routine one day we had a storm day, after breakfast we got back to bunk to clean and then a storm arrived which meant we had to stay in bunk till lunch time everyone was very very hungry and restless, each bunk had to be picked up by the vans and driven to the dining hall, we then had lunch and watch the 1st harry potter movie.

Every night we have an evening activity the first week we had Wacky volleyball, minute to win it ( it is a game show in the usa you have a minute to play and win the activity), we had a pool party, friendship bracelet making,  lip sync. Every bunk got given a glee song and we had a few nights to practise and make up a dance routine to the song, then one of the evening activities we all performed them our song was only the good die young, we didn’t win middle camp but everyone thought we were second, very funny night especially seeing all the boys dressed up and dancing!!!

Monday the 4th of July we had normal activities the after lunch we had a water carnival which we had to work, we had three stations, the pool, the slip and slide and the lake. We got to participate though every half hour we had off, finally got to try out the toys in the lake climbing the iceberg was a lot harder  than I thought, but it was fun! Went on the zip line as well and failed miserable fell off right away. The slip and slide was fun although I got a mouth full of soap at the end. That night we had a bbq and eat outside, then we had fireworks for evening activity which were awesome we went down to lake Emerson and they let them off the dock while we sat on the beach.

That night it was B sides night off , with day off the next day, we went to Pittsfield and got a motel, there was about twenty of us, the next day we went to the lake and hired a pontoon boat and drove around the lake for an hour jumping off the boat and swimming it was nice and relaxing, then we chilled out at the Irish bar/restaurant on the lake till 5ish then we went to the Berkshire mall and had dinner and looked around the shops then headed back to camp. Tuesday the rest of the campers had carnival day were each bunk had a stall each out bunk did munch kin munch were they tied mini donuts to string and people had to eat them without using their hands.

Wednesday we had normal activities, Thursday we had trip day A side was off so it was B side counsellors on, middle and upper camp went to a roller skating rink, I haven’t roller skated in such a long time I did get the hang of it eventually but it was the hottest place so people didn’t stay long on the track.

On Friday we had normal activities then during 4th period a storm came so we had to evacuate the pool and we all headed to bunk, then we were in bunk until dinner, evening activity was just watching the 2nd harry potter movie.  Then the lower camp performed their play in the theatre which was Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory it was very cute!!!

On Saturday it was visiting day! We had normal breakfast then cleaned our bunks until 11am which is when all of the parents and siblings etc arrived, the staff had an early lunch and then headed to our activities, the kids showed the family around camp and could use the pool or lake if they wanted to show their parents, we didn’t have many people in the pool but the lake got busy in the afternoon as it was a gorgeous day! At 4pm we had an assembly were some people performed then It was time for the parents to leave and say bye. We then had dinner, after dinner we had the best evening activity GOLDRUSH!!! Everyone in the camp got split into four teams  Red, Yellow, Blue and Green, we had to dress up in our respective colours and they had paint which the boys decided to cover themselves in! Then we all set up out on the soccer field where they had scattered lots and lots of pennies and big plastic coins, we had a few mins to collect as many coins as possible then we started again we did this a few times there were also bandits and sheriffs the bandits could steal from us and the sheriff protected us!!!  I was in Blue team and unfortunate the green team  won. We then headed back to bunk and had bunk party all the parents brought bucket loads of candy so we ate as much as we could then they came around before bed to collect it all, we are Bunk F and by the time they got to us they all ready had four big black rubbish bags full of candy.

Sunday we had normal activities and middle camp had a camp fire and camping only two of my girls wanted to camp out. We had songs and smores up at the camp fire they were delish!!!!!

 Anyway normal activities again today it is scorching hot!!!! And then it’s our night off tonight and day off tomorrow!!!!

Lots of love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday 28 June 2011

The Kids are here.....

On Sunday six buses of kids arrived at camp, along with 1000bags of luggage for about 200-250 kids and im talking huge huge enourmous bags!!

Found all my kids from my bunk (I have 11 and 12 year olds the Junipers they are middle camp girls) and we went back to the bunk to get settled in. Meal times in the dinning hall are now chaotic so many mouths to feed! In the afternoon all the kids had activity fair where they went and looked at all the activities. We had a camp fire and make your own sundaes for evening activity which was really really fun!!!

Yesterday the kids went to a few activities and we swim tested everybody. After dinner we had evening activity middle camp girls had wacky volleyball we all dressed up in wacky clothes to play volleyball and had a water fight.

Into normal schedule today with all our lessons we get all the levels at the pool for swimming.

Anyway better get back to the pool.

love K xx

Saturday 25 June 2011

Camp Prep

The kids arrive at camp tomorrow!!! The last week and a half has just been planning and prepping for the campers!

The pool and Plunkett (lake) staff had to do their Red Cross Lifeguarding training so we were inside reading and in the pool practising our lifesaving skills. All the other departments were painting and getting their areas sorted.

Amongst all of the getting ready we had more orientations finding out how things at camp work etc and getting to know everyone a little better!

Last Thursday night we had a staff party at Club Chamillion in Pittsfield it was fun everyone got to go out even the under agers  we all got Yellow school buses that picked us up and dropped us off.

On Monday night we had another outing to the Movies which was fun then on Tuesday we had the day off , we went to Six Flags which is an amusement park and a water park! We left camp at about 9am ish we didn’t get into six flags till about 11.30-12. It was a gorgeous blue sky day but insanely hot, we lined up for the first ride bazaro definitely got the blood pumping after that ride. The park was so busy though and we were to hot so we headed to the water park which was fun but again really really busy. After six flags we went to a massive mall called Holyoake then we headed back to camp.

The last few days have been peeing with rain got some gummies at wall mart to wear thru the mud and puddles. We got our new bunk announcements on Thursday with our kids and their ages etc, I have middle camp (Junipers) they are about 12years old. Finally got all my stuff unpacked and organised. Very excited for the kids to come and hopefully they will bring the sunshine with them!

Hope everyone at home is well, miss everyone!! xx

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Day one at camp!!!

So anyone would think it was the middle of a Canadian winter after my sleep last night it was bloody freezing. Socks tucked into leggings top tucked into leggings hoodie on hood up cuddled into my pillow and blankets and I still froze, I think I got a few hours sleep although it didn’t feel like it.

We got up this morning and then went in and had breakfast I thought id start off very healthy with oatmeal (porridge) and fresh fruit was delish think this will be my staple breakfast for the summer. We then went out onto the basketball court and did a whole lot of introductory type things, we formed a two lines and did a speed dating type thing were we had like 20secs to talk to the person opposite us then we moved down the line until we had talked to everyone it was a really good way for almost everyone to met each other.

After all the intro and getting to know each other stuff we then split into our departments, being part of the pool group we went straight into our lifeguarding course everyone else got a tour around camp. We were watching videos and reading theory very very fun not whilst everyone was outside playing basketball though.

We then had lunch and after lunch we did our tour around camp, and ended up at the pool where we had to do our 550yard swim 26lengths probably about 500m we had to do 10 free 10 breast then 6 could be a combination of the two.  We then had to swim under water for about 15m and our last test was starting at one end of the pool swimming to the deep end then diving down to pick up a brick then swimming back to the other end with the 10pound brick in our hand.

Then headed to the cabins had showers then up to the dining hall for dinner, after dinner we then went to wall mart think we brought out all the sleeping bags, looking forward to a cosier sleep tonight here’s hoping anyway!

Much Love xx

Hello Camp Emerson

Finally met some fellow camp counsellors, a bus load of Pomes got in last night to our hotel in New Jersey, I had three uk girls in my room with me one who was coming to my camp, we were the only girls at the hotel going to our camp.

Had a better nights sleep only woke up once, still woke up tired as it was bed time for us back home. Got brekkie and then checked out of our room at ten. We weren’t getting picked up from the bus until 2pm so I hung out with 7 british people 1 irishman and 1 aussie we went to target again then to a giant sports shop then we decided to go bowling I actually went really well got two strikes came like 3rd I think .

We then got on the bus to head to camp took alot longer than we all thought we watched a few movies had a bit of a nap then we finally made it. Everyone was super energetic and gave us an awesome welcome like a little tunnel we all ran thru. We went into the dining hall and met a few people and got to eat.

We then got given our little package with a glow in the dark torch a pen and a weeks itinerary, then we headed to our bunks at the moment we are just in temporary bunks until the kids get here there are six of us a bunk the girls are all really friendly and really nice which is awesome!

Went back to the dining hall for a bit, then back to our dorm room so freaking chilly may have to go buy some jogger/sweatpants at wall mart tomorrow.

Anyway sleep time love to everyone!!!!! x

Monday 13 June 2011

JFK to New Jersey...

hello me again,

So this morning I woke up at 5.30am got the shuttle to the airport for my flight at 8am, interesting start to the morning didn't get given my boarding pass when I checked in don't know whos fault that was but I finally realised before going thru the security and got it sorted.

Arrived at JFK and got my shuttle to hotel in New Jersey a nearly 2hour shuttle ride, my shuttle driver was from Russia and had never met a kiwi before so it was intresting trying to explain our country I mentioned the All Blacks but got a blank look I forget that rugby isn't as big as it is in NZ in other countries.

All I saw of New York City was traffic traffic and traffic I did get a slight glimpse of the Empire state building and the Yankee Stadium finally made it to my hotel and met some fellow Camp American's and took a trip back to Target I love that place!

Get picked up at 2pm tommorow on the camp bus then off to camp! Very glad I have no more flights or time zones to go through.

Love from the traveller xx

Sunday 12 June 2011

Venice Beach with Britt...

So I arrived in the USA safe and sound.

A very very long and bummpy 12hour flight, got about 4-5hours of sleep it seemed to be everytime I got to sleep the turbulence woke me up. Food was good roast lamb and kapiti icecream for dessert and white choc hotcakes for brekkie no complaints from me.
There were to many good movies to watch them all, I do have to say though if anyone has seen Hallpass the funniest parts were cut from the plane version which made it not even half as funny as it was the first time (if anyone has seen it for eg the spa scene in the gym/ cut) rather disappointing.

I get to LAX first off we have to wait on the plane for about ten minute before exiting the plane, then the customs line was insanly long, thank goodness I had all my forms there and went thru no trouble, but then getting our bags holy shit the que to actually get out of the baggage claim area went around the two carasouls up the inside around the outside one giant loop of people. I eventually got thru no trouble after about 1.5hr - 2hr waiting since landed. I got my shuttle and got to my hotel and met Britt.

Britt is a friend of Jaz's from Pacific, she picked me up after dropping my luggage off, we went straight to In and Out burger its a Myles tradition that I thought id continue when first arriving in LA. We then headed to Venice beach OMG is all I can say.

I have never seen so many shall we say coloufull personalities in one place it was very amusing and something everyone must see for themselves. Never seen so many medical marajuana shops in one place or let alone ever. We walked along the board walk past all the shops then headed back along the beach. We then headed to Taco Bell for dinner and my first trip to Target amaze I know now why you allways went there Jaz.

Britt then dropped me back at my hotel about and hour or so ago, was so lovely to met her and so glad she took me on board today had such an awsum first day in the USA thanks Britt was so cool. Anyway time for bed have an early flight of to New York in the morning.


Saturday 11 June 2011

The Big Day!

All packed and ready to go! Had to take a few things out of my bag to get it under its allowed weight. Not a good sign for overseas shopping! May have to buy another suitcase while away. Hopefully I am able to fly this evening, some flights have been cancelled due to the volcanic ash that has come across the south pacific ocean. I am very excited to be starting this huge adventure, hopefully this stupid cold goes away before I arrive in LA. Once in L.A I will meet with one of Jaz's school friends, Britt. I'll be tanning on Venice beach before you know it. Will take lots of photos and keep you all updated, so stay tuned!