Tuesday 16 August 2011

Last week at Camp Emerson

Saturday we had our normal scheduled day and for our evening activity we had gold rush like first session except this time I got to stay in the lower camp section so no bandits stole my money. I was in red team this time around. Sunday again we had normal classes and then for evening activity we had cultural night, so during rest period Anna and I made Anzac biscuits and afghans ( we had people asking us why we were making racist biscuits haha) then after dinner we went back to set up our table we also had a bag of pineapple lumps which everyone loved, I had my NZ tattoos from home that I put on everyone especially those who had already gotten Australian ones, and we had a video playing of the haka so the dining hall was basically set up with different stalls all our of all the different countries. After that we all had to sing our national anthems so Anna, Tom and I sung ours but the music was so slow we were out of time most of it but it was fun.

Monday thru Thursday we had normal classes again one of the evening activities we had gladiator which was were all the hillcrest and explorers ( the oldest campers) dressed up and we had to battle them in different games so all of the daises Bunk A and Bunk B (my bunk) had to verse a few gladiators, was really fun but we got rained out (a storm was meant to arrive). The other nights we had a lower camp girls pool party but I had to lifeguard the hole time but that was ok, and we had another talent show which was really good one of my girls told jokes which was super cute and there were some other awesome acts.

Friday it was pack up day, we had a sleep late and then we packed all the kids stuff we had to help most of them but at least they didn’t have as much stuff as the 4 week girls. Then we had a free swim and it was then time to get dressed for banquet this time we went as gangsters, we had Marv’s diner for dinner at banquet again, then after banquet we went back to bunk and got changed into our club Emerson outfits, having the little daises we only stayed at club Emerson till 11pm then we went back to bunk and the girls had a bit of a slumber party and put their mattresses on the floor.

The next morning the explorers woke us up at 6.05am instead of 6.30am and they were so loud this time much louder than the first time around. Then it was time to go to breakfast then the kids that were going on buses left so yet another big tearful goodbye on the basketball courts, all of my girls got picked up by car, so we had a kind of visiting day from 11am till 2ish. After all the kids were gone we started packing up our areas we got in canoes and dragged the big inflatable toys around the lake back to shore which was actually kind of fun!!! We then had our last staff dinner together which was delish nice bits of meat was very good! Then we had our last staff party at club chameleon which was a really good night out as always! Then we got back to camp about 11.30pm ish and we did karaoke in the dining hall.

Sunday was the final clean up so we all headed to our areas and we just had to get all the pool stuff put away which didn’t take too long then we helped out the other areas and had a really good lunch, after lunch we were able to pack up our things and finish cleaning our bunk, then it was another goodbye, saying bye to all the staff which was really sad as I don’t know if I will ever see some of these people ever again so there were a lot of tears.

Then it was time to road trip to Florida…………………………………………..

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