Sunday 28 August 2011

Last few days in NYC

When we got back from DC I met up with friends from camp and headed out to Brooklyn where they were staying we all had a few drinks together then to bed. The next day we slept in and chilled out then got a subway out to the last stop at Coney Island, it’s a beach with a board walk and there are a hole load of shops and rides its like a carnival town! Kind of creepy all the rides looked super dodgy didn’t go on any of them, but they had like lots of food stalls and people selling things all down the boardwalk and there was a hand ball competition going on which looked very intense! We didn’t swim in the sea it was really hot but the water didn’t look that inviting!

The next day Anna and I got the subway into Time Square and just wondered around the shops in time square. And checked into the lovely hotel carter that night, we only had one power plug that we could use with our adaptor and our shower didn’t drain so when we showered we also got a bath at the same time which was super super gross!!!! That night we went out and met some of Simon’s friends from camp at a bar in SOHO.

The next day was Davis last day in New York he had to leave for the airport in the morning so we said goodbye to him then we went and brought our I heart NY t-shirts and Rach and I decided to be ultimate tourist and wear them along with matching shorts so our hole outfit was matching! We had been hassling everyone all week who had been wearing the t-shirts in NY but we thought it would be funny and it kind of was. We then walked down to Chelsea area and went on the high line which was an old railway line about 3 storeys above ground they used it for transporting produce and things in the city. But then they turned it in a boardwalk like walk and it looked out over the city it was very cool, very peaceful and relaxing. We then went to the Chelsea markets just like a row of little shops in building! When then got the subway up to upper Manhattan and went to Dylan’s Candy bar which was a huge huge shop full of candy yummy yummy! Then we went to Central Park and lay in the grass and had a nap for an hour or two! We then walked back to our hotel and had an early night sleep!

Last day in New York City we rolled around Time Square for a bit and went into M and M world and I got my New York shot glass. We then walked up 5th avenue did a spot of shopping!!! Then continued on to MOMA the museum of modern art which was really cool we spent a few hours in there and had a free audio tour of some of the artwork which was good! We then headed back to the hotel and got ready to go out, a lot of people from Rach and Si camps were in New York and going out so we met up with them and went to the Mean Fiddler which was a really really good night out!

The next morning we got up and got a taxi to the airport for a long day of flying to the West Coast thank goodness we got out of the East Coast before this nasty hurricane hit!


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