Tuesday 16 August 2011


Longest road trip of my life, went to this weird little area called South of the Border which was south of the border for South Carolina was so colourful and had some weird crazy shops and big Mexican statues (photos will explain). Then we got to Rachel’s apartment in Gainesville about 9.30pm and chilled out watch a movie then went to bed, the next day we went tubing down a spring which was so cool, we hired but inner tubes and literally floated down he river it was so relaxing and the water was delish as it was so hot, it took about an hour and a half but was so nice to do the water was really clear and there were lots of turtles along the way so a wicked day. We then headed to Rachs Uni the University of Florida and walked around and checked out the Swamp which is the football stadium it was huge, and was seriously hot this day. We also checked out the basketball stadium and pool complex very very flash. We then drove to Tampa to Rach’s dads place and we got some food and then went for a swim in the pool, the next day we all slept in late which was awesome so nice not to be told when we needed to wake up. So Friday we just chilled out by the pool all day was so relaxing and so hot thank god they have air con in the houses! Friday night we had drinks and played drinking games finally got to play beer pong which I had never played before and my team won! 

Saturday we had another nice lie in then we just chilled out as the weather wasn’t the greatest in the evening we went to a mall right in Tampa which was massive and really really flash and we then had dinner at a restaurant called the Cheesecake factory had a nice bit of steak which was really good! Sunday we went out for breakfast more like brunch then we headed to the beach, the weather said the temperature felt like 103 deg f which is so hot, the sea water temp said it was 31 deg Celsius and it felt like it not like the sea at home where it is usually cold to get into this was like stepping into a bath it was really nice though. We then went home and got showered and went to another beach to watch the sunset and had dinner at a restaurant on the beach was really nice, then just chilled out back at the house. I packed my suitcase ready to go in the morning!

Monday woke up got organised then got dropped at the airport got my flight from Tampa to DC fine then got to DC and got my connecting flight got on board taxied out onto the tarmac and sat on the plane for two hours then we went back to the gate and they told us our flight was cancelled so we had to get off the plane wait in a huge queue and re book our flight so I did all this re booked for the 6pm flight got on the plane and here we are sitting on the tarmac and have been for the past hour I was meant to arrive in NYC at 4.20pm today yet I am still in DC on a plane arghhhhh seriously frustrated. Apparently there are storms in NYC and I heard someone saying the subway was flooded so that is obviously why we haven’t arrived yet but hopefully we will get there tonight fingers crossed.

To be continued …………………………………………………..

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