Wednesday 15 June 2011

Day one at camp!!!

So anyone would think it was the middle of a Canadian winter after my sleep last night it was bloody freezing. Socks tucked into leggings top tucked into leggings hoodie on hood up cuddled into my pillow and blankets and I still froze, I think I got a few hours sleep although it didn’t feel like it.

We got up this morning and then went in and had breakfast I thought id start off very healthy with oatmeal (porridge) and fresh fruit was delish think this will be my staple breakfast for the summer. We then went out onto the basketball court and did a whole lot of introductory type things, we formed a two lines and did a speed dating type thing were we had like 20secs to talk to the person opposite us then we moved down the line until we had talked to everyone it was a really good way for almost everyone to met each other.

After all the intro and getting to know each other stuff we then split into our departments, being part of the pool group we went straight into our lifeguarding course everyone else got a tour around camp. We were watching videos and reading theory very very fun not whilst everyone was outside playing basketball though.

We then had lunch and after lunch we did our tour around camp, and ended up at the pool where we had to do our 550yard swim 26lengths probably about 500m we had to do 10 free 10 breast then 6 could be a combination of the two.  We then had to swim under water for about 15m and our last test was starting at one end of the pool swimming to the deep end then diving down to pick up a brick then swimming back to the other end with the 10pound brick in our hand.

Then headed to the cabins had showers then up to the dining hall for dinner, after dinner we then went to wall mart think we brought out all the sleeping bags, looking forward to a cosier sleep tonight here’s hoping anyway!

Much Love xx

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear that you have had a good first day at camp. Very healthy breaky indeed! is the other kiwi girl there yet? Getting a bit colder here but not unbearably! That pesky ash cloud is still lingering, which is holding off a lot of flights. Maybe try skype tomorrow, let us know what would be a good time for you! love Mum xx
