Sunday 4 September 2011

If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear a flower in your hair!

What a long day of travel to San Fran, a very frantic get ready to get a taxi to the airport in New York luckily we had packed the night before! But we made it there on time, we were all exhausted and I forgot about my water bottle going thru security so I had to line up again and the line was massive I don’t know why the stupid security guard didn’t just let me throw the water out then go thru the scanners again grrr very frustrating! We then got on our plane to Chicago, weirdest plane seating ever it was numbered and you go on board via your numbered order but then you can sit we’re ever you want luckily we got three seats together at the back of the plane. In Chicago we got a connecting flight to San Fran little did we know we were going via Denver, Colorado and had a stop there but we didn’t have to get off the plane which was good! We then arrived in San Fran and got a taxi to our hostel. The hostel was awesome very safe and secure and we got a free dinner that night which was awesome, we had a private room with a double bed then a single bunk above!

First day in San Fran, we walked from our hostel down to Pier 33 to pick up our tickets for Alcatraz, it was freezing compared to New York thank goodness we brought jumpers and jackets with us, when then wandered down to pier 39 and thru the shops and saw the seals! Then onto Alcatraz for our 9.30am tour, we did the audio tour when we got onto the island it was really really well done very interesting, if your gona go to Alcatraz you have to do the audio tour!

When we got back from the ferry we walked along the waterfront to a market at the Embarcardo ferry building and got some fruit and Rach and I found a mince pie which we were very excited about!! When then walked up Market Street and had a look in the Westfield mall which was huge and the onto Union Square which is just a small park seating area in the middle of town! We then walked down to the waterfront again to the Baseball stadium and we brought some tickets for that night went and had a few drinks then headed back to the stadium which was amazing were we were sitting it looked right out over the water! One problem was it got very very cold sitting up that high so we were all freezing during the entire game but it was fun to go and see a game in the USA! And the San Fran Giants are the reigning champs!!!

Our 2nd day in San Fran we picked up bikes from around the corner and cycled down to Fishermans wharf and up to the bridge which we couldn’t even see! It was freezing as well very foggy but we toughed it out and biked all the way to Sausalito which was so pretty blue sky and sunshine! We had fish and chips and the yummiest ice cream down by the water, we then biked all the way back across the beach to our hostel. We had another free dinner and then we had an arranged pub crawl with the hostel which was fun just walked to a few bars around the area met some nice people.

The 3rd day in the foggy city, we had our bikes for 24hrs so we made use of them again and biked thru Chinatown up all the way up market st to the golden gate park we were nearly there then Rachs bike got a flat tyre so we had to push our bikes to find a shop to fix it. We headed into the park we wanted to go into the Japanese Tea gardens but they cost $7 to get in yikes so we just popped our head in the door! We then biked back via the painted ladies (postcard row) then back to the bike shop we thought we would be smart and get a more direct route back but we ended up having to walk up a really steep hill then down a really steep hill to get back but we made it! After we dropped our bikes back we walked to Lombard street which was really really cool. We then went back to the hostel and got ready and headed to Fishermans wharf for a real San Fran seafood dinner!

4th day we walked up to the coit tower then down to Fishermans wharf along the shops got my san fran shot glass then walked down to Ghirardelli square and got hot fudge sundaes from Ghirardelli which were delicious. We then we lined up for the cable car and got them from Powell st into town by union square, we then walked into Chinatown thru the Chinatown gates and walked around then we went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner which was really good then back to the hostel to pack our bags and watch a movie.

5th day we got up early and checked out of the hostel and walked down to market st to get the train to the airport we then picked up our car and headed off for our road trip.

Later San Fran hello Las Vegas!!!!!!

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