Monday 11 July 2011

Can’t believe the kids have been here two weeks!!!!

The first week flew bye very quickly we got into our normal activity routine; everyone has to come to the pool so we see everyone. I have 1st period lifeguarding, 2nd teaching middle  camp girls which my bunk is in but I don’t teach any of them, 3rd period I have lifeguarding then we have lunch and afterward rest period . All the counsellors are split into two groups for days and nights off A or B then for rest we are split into four groups so on rest periods we can actually see some of the A side. After rest period we have 4th period and I teach lower camp boys, then 5th period is my period off and then I teach upper camp boys in period 6.

 The first week at camp we just had normal routine one day we had a storm day, after breakfast we got back to bunk to clean and then a storm arrived which meant we had to stay in bunk till lunch time everyone was very very hungry and restless, each bunk had to be picked up by the vans and driven to the dining hall, we then had lunch and watch the 1st harry potter movie.

Every night we have an evening activity the first week we had Wacky volleyball, minute to win it ( it is a game show in the usa you have a minute to play and win the activity), we had a pool party, friendship bracelet making,  lip sync. Every bunk got given a glee song and we had a few nights to practise and make up a dance routine to the song, then one of the evening activities we all performed them our song was only the good die young, we didn’t win middle camp but everyone thought we were second, very funny night especially seeing all the boys dressed up and dancing!!!

Monday the 4th of July we had normal activities the after lunch we had a water carnival which we had to work, we had three stations, the pool, the slip and slide and the lake. We got to participate though every half hour we had off, finally got to try out the toys in the lake climbing the iceberg was a lot harder  than I thought, but it was fun! Went on the zip line as well and failed miserable fell off right away. The slip and slide was fun although I got a mouth full of soap at the end. That night we had a bbq and eat outside, then we had fireworks for evening activity which were awesome we went down to lake Emerson and they let them off the dock while we sat on the beach.

That night it was B sides night off , with day off the next day, we went to Pittsfield and got a motel, there was about twenty of us, the next day we went to the lake and hired a pontoon boat and drove around the lake for an hour jumping off the boat and swimming it was nice and relaxing, then we chilled out at the Irish bar/restaurant on the lake till 5ish then we went to the Berkshire mall and had dinner and looked around the shops then headed back to camp. Tuesday the rest of the campers had carnival day were each bunk had a stall each out bunk did munch kin munch were they tied mini donuts to string and people had to eat them without using their hands.

Wednesday we had normal activities, Thursday we had trip day A side was off so it was B side counsellors on, middle and upper camp went to a roller skating rink, I haven’t roller skated in such a long time I did get the hang of it eventually but it was the hottest place so people didn’t stay long on the track.

On Friday we had normal activities then during 4th period a storm came so we had to evacuate the pool and we all headed to bunk, then we were in bunk until dinner, evening activity was just watching the 2nd harry potter movie.  Then the lower camp performed their play in the theatre which was Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory it was very cute!!!

On Saturday it was visiting day! We had normal breakfast then cleaned our bunks until 11am which is when all of the parents and siblings etc arrived, the staff had an early lunch and then headed to our activities, the kids showed the family around camp and could use the pool or lake if they wanted to show their parents, we didn’t have many people in the pool but the lake got busy in the afternoon as it was a gorgeous day! At 4pm we had an assembly were some people performed then It was time for the parents to leave and say bye. We then had dinner, after dinner we had the best evening activity GOLDRUSH!!! Everyone in the camp got split into four teams  Red, Yellow, Blue and Green, we had to dress up in our respective colours and they had paint which the boys decided to cover themselves in! Then we all set up out on the soccer field where they had scattered lots and lots of pennies and big plastic coins, we had a few mins to collect as many coins as possible then we started again we did this a few times there were also bandits and sheriffs the bandits could steal from us and the sheriff protected us!!!  I was in Blue team and unfortunate the green team  won. We then headed back to bunk and had bunk party all the parents brought bucket loads of candy so we ate as much as we could then they came around before bed to collect it all, we are Bunk F and by the time they got to us they all ready had four big black rubbish bags full of candy.

Sunday we had normal activities and middle camp had a camp fire and camping only two of my girls wanted to camp out. We had songs and smores up at the camp fire they were delish!!!!!

 Anyway normal activities again today it is scorching hot!!!! And then it’s our night off tonight and day off tomorrow!!!!

Lots of love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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