Tuesday 28 June 2011

The Kids are here.....

On Sunday six buses of kids arrived at camp, along with 1000bags of luggage for about 200-250 kids and im talking huge huge enourmous bags!!

Found all my kids from my bunk (I have 11 and 12 year olds the Junipers they are middle camp girls) and we went back to the bunk to get settled in. Meal times in the dinning hall are now chaotic so many mouths to feed! In the afternoon all the kids had activity fair where they went and looked at all the activities. We had a camp fire and make your own sundaes for evening activity which was really really fun!!!

Yesterday the kids went to a few activities and we swim tested everybody. After dinner we had evening activity middle camp girls had wacky volleyball we all dressed up in wacky clothes to play volleyball and had a water fight.

Into normal schedule today with all our lessons we get all the levels at the pool for swimming.

Anyway better get back to the pool.

love K xx

Saturday 25 June 2011

Camp Prep

The kids arrive at camp tomorrow!!! The last week and a half has just been planning and prepping for the campers!

The pool and Plunkett (lake) staff had to do their Red Cross Lifeguarding training so we were inside reading and in the pool practising our lifesaving skills. All the other departments were painting and getting their areas sorted.

Amongst all of the getting ready we had more orientations finding out how things at camp work etc and getting to know everyone a little better!

Last Thursday night we had a staff party at Club Chamillion in Pittsfield it was fun everyone got to go out even the under agers  we all got Yellow school buses that picked us up and dropped us off.

On Monday night we had another outing to the Movies which was fun then on Tuesday we had the day off , we went to Six Flags which is an amusement park and a water park! We left camp at about 9am ish we didn’t get into six flags till about 11.30-12. It was a gorgeous blue sky day but insanely hot, we lined up for the first ride bazaro definitely got the blood pumping after that ride. The park was so busy though and we were to hot so we headed to the water park which was fun but again really really busy. After six flags we went to a massive mall called Holyoake then we headed back to camp.

The last few days have been peeing with rain got some gummies at wall mart to wear thru the mud and puddles. We got our new bunk announcements on Thursday with our kids and their ages etc, I have middle camp (Junipers) they are about 12years old. Finally got all my stuff unpacked and organised. Very excited for the kids to come and hopefully they will bring the sunshine with them!

Hope everyone at home is well, miss everyone!! xx

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Day one at camp!!!

So anyone would think it was the middle of a Canadian winter after my sleep last night it was bloody freezing. Socks tucked into leggings top tucked into leggings hoodie on hood up cuddled into my pillow and blankets and I still froze, I think I got a few hours sleep although it didn’t feel like it.

We got up this morning and then went in and had breakfast I thought id start off very healthy with oatmeal (porridge) and fresh fruit was delish think this will be my staple breakfast for the summer. We then went out onto the basketball court and did a whole lot of introductory type things, we formed a two lines and did a speed dating type thing were we had like 20secs to talk to the person opposite us then we moved down the line until we had talked to everyone it was a really good way for almost everyone to met each other.

After all the intro and getting to know each other stuff we then split into our departments, being part of the pool group we went straight into our lifeguarding course everyone else got a tour around camp. We were watching videos and reading theory very very fun not whilst everyone was outside playing basketball though.

We then had lunch and after lunch we did our tour around camp, and ended up at the pool where we had to do our 550yard swim 26lengths probably about 500m we had to do 10 free 10 breast then 6 could be a combination of the two.  We then had to swim under water for about 15m and our last test was starting at one end of the pool swimming to the deep end then diving down to pick up a brick then swimming back to the other end with the 10pound brick in our hand.

Then headed to the cabins had showers then up to the dining hall for dinner, after dinner we then went to wall mart think we brought out all the sleeping bags, looking forward to a cosier sleep tonight here’s hoping anyway!

Much Love xx

Hello Camp Emerson

Finally met some fellow camp counsellors, a bus load of Pomes got in last night to our hotel in New Jersey, I had three uk girls in my room with me one who was coming to my camp, we were the only girls at the hotel going to our camp.

Had a better nights sleep only woke up once, still woke up tired as it was bed time for us back home. Got brekkie and then checked out of our room at ten. We weren’t getting picked up from the bus until 2pm so I hung out with 7 british people 1 irishman and 1 aussie we went to target again then to a giant sports shop then we decided to go bowling I actually went really well got two strikes came like 3rd I think .

We then got on the bus to head to camp took alot longer than we all thought we watched a few movies had a bit of a nap then we finally made it. Everyone was super energetic and gave us an awesome welcome like a little tunnel we all ran thru. We went into the dining hall and met a few people and got to eat.

We then got given our little package with a glow in the dark torch a pen and a weeks itinerary, then we headed to our bunks at the moment we are just in temporary bunks until the kids get here there are six of us a bunk the girls are all really friendly and really nice which is awesome!

Went back to the dining hall for a bit, then back to our dorm room so freaking chilly may have to go buy some jogger/sweatpants at wall mart tomorrow.

Anyway sleep time love to everyone!!!!! x

Monday 13 June 2011

JFK to New Jersey...

hello me again,

So this morning I woke up at 5.30am got the shuttle to the airport for my flight at 8am, interesting start to the morning didn't get given my boarding pass when I checked in don't know whos fault that was but I finally realised before going thru the security and got it sorted.

Arrived at JFK and got my shuttle to hotel in New Jersey a nearly 2hour shuttle ride, my shuttle driver was from Russia and had never met a kiwi before so it was intresting trying to explain our country I mentioned the All Blacks but got a blank look I forget that rugby isn't as big as it is in NZ in other countries.

All I saw of New York City was traffic traffic and traffic I did get a slight glimpse of the Empire state building and the Yankee Stadium finally made it to my hotel and met some fellow Camp American's and took a trip back to Target I love that place!

Get picked up at 2pm tommorow on the camp bus then off to camp! Very glad I have no more flights or time zones to go through.

Love from the traveller xx

Sunday 12 June 2011

Venice Beach with Britt...

So I arrived in the USA safe and sound.

A very very long and bummpy 12hour flight, got about 4-5hours of sleep it seemed to be everytime I got to sleep the turbulence woke me up. Food was good roast lamb and kapiti icecream for dessert and white choc hotcakes for brekkie no complaints from me.
There were to many good movies to watch them all, I do have to say though if anyone has seen Hallpass the funniest parts were cut from the plane version which made it not even half as funny as it was the first time (if anyone has seen it for eg the spa scene in the gym/ cut) rather disappointing.

I get to LAX first off we have to wait on the plane for about ten minute before exiting the plane, then the customs line was insanly long, thank goodness I had all my forms there and went thru no trouble, but then getting our bags holy shit the que to actually get out of the baggage claim area went around the two carasouls up the inside around the outside one giant loop of people. I eventually got thru no trouble after about 1.5hr - 2hr waiting since landed. I got my shuttle and got to my hotel and met Britt.

Britt is a friend of Jaz's from Pacific, she picked me up after dropping my luggage off, we went straight to In and Out burger its a Myles tradition that I thought id continue when first arriving in LA. We then headed to Venice beach OMG is all I can say.

I have never seen so many shall we say coloufull personalities in one place it was very amusing and something everyone must see for themselves. Never seen so many medical marajuana shops in one place or let alone ever. We walked along the board walk past all the shops then headed back along the beach. We then headed to Taco Bell for dinner and my first trip to Target amaze I know now why you allways went there Jaz.

Britt then dropped me back at my hotel about and hour or so ago, was so lovely to met her and so glad she took me on board today had such an awsum first day in the USA thanks Britt was so cool. Anyway time for bed have an early flight of to New York in the morning.


Saturday 11 June 2011

The Big Day!

All packed and ready to go! Had to take a few things out of my bag to get it under its allowed weight. Not a good sign for overseas shopping! May have to buy another suitcase while away. Hopefully I am able to fly this evening, some flights have been cancelled due to the volcanic ash that has come across the south pacific ocean. I am very excited to be starting this huge adventure, hopefully this stupid cold goes away before I arrive in LA. Once in L.A I will meet with one of Jaz's school friends, Britt. I'll be tanning on Venice beach before you know it. Will take lots of photos and keep you all updated, so stay tuned!